Based on board policy #225, the school board has the following responsibility:
At a special School Board meeting in January, the School Board President shall present a written summary of the comments of the entire Board to the District Administrator. At this meeting, the District Administrator and Board will review the evaluation. The evaluation will be based upon the School Board approved job description.
With this Saturday being the last day of January, we can expect to know soon the renewal decisions for the former WGSD district administrator. The board is holding another closed session meeting tonight (January 28th), and at minimum I expect there to be an announcement about other administrative personnel, such as building principals. See a relevant excerpt from board policy 225.1 below.
The District Administrator shall be responsible for supervising the performance evaluations of the administrative staff, to include the Assistant District Administrator and each building principal. The District Administrator shall submit to the Board at least five months prior to the expiration of the administrative contract (January), a recommendation for renewal or non-renewal of each administrator’s contract.
A review of this performance evaluation shall take place at a December Board meeting with the intent to renew or non-renew each administrator’s employment contract. Wisconsin statutes will be followed by the district in its administrative contract renewal process. Individual administrators will be informed of any Board action related to their individual contract before the last day in January.
I am uncertain if the school board president will inform individual employees of contract renewal decisions prior to announcing to the general public, but I will post any information shared in open session (following tonight’s closed session meeting) at kranich2015 Facebook and at Facebook.