This school year the brand new orchestra room at Fox River Middle School was delivered on time and ready for students. While the actual construction was slightly altered from the architectural drawing above, the final plan that was built did indeed include an all-new music wing, with a separate room for band, choir, and orchestra classes. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic caused the school district to scuttle mixing students from different groups (cohorts) and this beautiful new room has yet to host a group orchestra practice. I believe the same can be said for choir and band. (Note: Interested in orchestra? It hopefully is not too late! Take the orchestra interest survey by clicking HERE).

As can be seen above, this state-of-the-art orchestra room, promised by the District and paid for with resident tax dollars, is loaded with acoustical panels on the ceiling and walls and has a large orchestra practice room off of the main room. The orchestra room is located in a wing nestled next to the band and choir rooms, all surrounded by smaller practice rooms, an instrument/teacher storage area, and an instrument repair room.

Unfortunately, due to recent deliberations by the WGSD school board, it is safe to say this room will be used for something in the future, it just won’t be orchestra class. The photos above and below are actual photos of the orchestra room. This is what was once promised to be the orchestra room, was paid for by the community, and was built by Scherrer Construction Company during the summer of 2020.

This school year should have been an exciting time for music in Waterford as the new music wing at Fox River became filled with students and wonderful sounds. Even with the pandemic, we would have hoped the district was gearing up for a new “Grand Opening” next fall. We would have hoped that interest surveys would go out and that our music/band/orchestra instructors would be able to meet with grades 3 and 4 students to introduce them to all of the amazing instruments they will be able to choose from. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. It may not be too late, but the WGSD school board will need to hear from concerned parents. Please email the school board and attend the Monday, April 26th school board meeting at Fox River MS @ 6 PM.
You can also participate in our “Orchestra Interest Survey” that we will forward to the school board once the results are in. So if you have a student in the 3rd, 4th, or 5th-grade that was hoping to play an orchestra instrument, please complete the orchestra interest survey by clicking HERE.

Posted by Matt Kranich on 4/16/2021
WGSD Parent
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