Attention: Evergreen, Trailside, & Woodfield Parents – Grades 3, 4, & 5 Orchestra Interest Survey

Friends, please share this post with families that currently have a Waterford student in the 3rd, 4th, or 5th-grade.

To view and complete the Grades 3-5 Orchestra Interest Survey, please click HERE.

This survey is for parents/guardians of a current 3rd, 4th, or 5th-grade student at one of the Waterford graded schools: Evergreen, Trailside, or Woodfield. Please complete this survey if your child is interested in starting or continuing an orchestra instrument (violin, viola, cello, bass). Learn which instrument is right for your child by clicking HERE.

Background: The WGSD orchestra program is in grave danger of being eliminated from our schools. Click HERE to learn more. While this is upsetting, it is important to understand that the process has been flawed. The greater community, music program stakeholders, and our elected school board members were not informed of all of the essential program details and enrollment numbers.

To date, the Waterford Graded District has not determined the interest level of current students in the 3rd, 4th, or 5th grades. Last school year, 107 students in just grades 4-6 participated in orchestra class, or approximately 1 in 4 students. Click HERE to view the enrollment data. This year, due to COVID-19, students in grades 4 and 5 were NOT allowed to participate in orchestra. As a result, we are trying to gather a list of students who are interested in pursuing an orchestral instrument next year. While we won’t be able to reach everybody, our hope is to present this list to the school board at the April 26th meeting. If you are able to attend, the meeting is at Fox River Middle School beginning at 6 p.m. Your attendance and your voice matter!

Note: Every entry will be followed up with a phone call or email in order to make sure the information collected is reliable. Thank you!

Posted by Matt Kranich on 4/19/2021
WGSD Parent
About this webpage: WGSD Meeting

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