Resignation Rates by District

The following graph was created using data for the 2013-14 school year from 14 surrounding school districts. The data was provided by district administrators or their designee. For those who are concerned about the rate of teacher resignations in WGSD, there are two meetings this Monday, September 22nd, that parents and community members should attend. The monthly board meeting begins at 6 PM and the annual meeting is scheduled immediately afterward (approximately 7 PM). Both meetings allow for citizen input and both will be held in the Evergreen cafeteria.


District Abbreviation Key and Data Reported to Calculate the Resignation Rate *
BASD – Burlington Area School District  (18 resignees of 251)
BSD #1 – Bristol (0 resignees of 48)
EASD – Elkhorn Area School District (11 resignees of 218)
FPSD – Franklin Public School District (5 resignees of 300)
LGUHS – Lake Geneva Badger (4 resignees of 113)
LG J1 – Lake Geneva K-8 (7 resignees of 163)
MASD – Mukwonaga Area School District (9 resignees of 301)
NCS – North Cape School (1 resignee of 21)
RSD – Raymond School District (2 resignees of 31)
UGHS – Union Grove High School (4 resignees of 63)
WCSD – Washington-Caldwell School District (2 resignees of 21 – both were part time)
WGSD – Waterford Area School District (24 resignees of 130)
WUHS – Waterford Union High School (6 resignees of 72)
WWUSD – Whitewater Unified School District (10 resignees of 154)
YSD – Yorkville School District (2 resignees of 35)

Note: This information does not include teachers that retired or teachers that were non-renewed.  In most cases the request for information was received via email. The typical request was as follows:

——————– BEGIN EMAIL ——————
Hello (Name of District Administrator),

This is a follow up to my voice message earlier today.

The information I am requesting is the total number of teachers (DPI Licensed) that were employed by (district name) on August 31, 2014 and the total number of teacher resignations during the period from September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014.

The number of teacher resignations should NOT include teacher retirements or non-renewals.
I appreciate your time on this issue and I will be sure to send you a link to the compiled data once it is finalized later this week.

Thank you,
Matt Kranich
Waterford Graded School District Parent
———————– END EMAIL ———————

Why are so many teachers resigning from the Waterford Graded School District? To learn more read the statements from four teachers that recently resigned or retired from WGSD.

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