According to data posted at the Wisconsin DHSGIS website, the Tichigan census tract (28) has now experienced 5 deaths due to COVID-19.
The Tichigan census tract (28), with an estimated population of 6,149, has recorded 136 COVID cases. This equates to 2.2% of the population as of October 6, 2020. Of those 136 Tichigan cases, 5 residents have died, or about 1 out of every 27 that have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.

Meanwhile, the CRCHD (Central Racine Community Health Department) COVID risk category has now reached the “Very High” level. This comes during the same week that the K-8 District (WGSD) returned to 5 full days of instruction. The 9-12 District (WUHS) returned to 5 full days of instruction several weeks prior.

The number of deaths in Wisconsin (above) has also increased as expected following the recent rise in COVID cases, as has the positivity rate (below). This data disproves the “case-demic” theory that several local residents propagated on social media. Such theories contradict the conclusions of hundreds of our nation’s pandemic and infectious disease experts. Such contradictory information contributes to morbidities and deaths because people lose confidence in the expert recommendations on the need to protect oneself and one’s neighbor.

Based on the basics of infectious disease spread, one of the best things going for Wisconsin right now is a pleasant stretch of warm weather. We will likely see a leveling off of cases, morbidities, and deaths while the warm weather lasts.

As can be seen in the map above for hospital utilization for the SE Wisconsin region, 88% of hospital beds are currently filled and 202 patients are receiving mechanical ventilation. Click the link in this paragraph and scroll down to see the same hospitalization map.
What is certain is that once the colder weather hits and people come into closer and more isolated contact with each other the cases, morbidities, and deaths will again rise. How high these rates will climb is directly related to the precautions we as a community take today. The less cautious our community members are as individuals, the more cautious our schools, businesses, and churches will have to be.
Posted by Matt Kranich on 10/7/2020
WGSD Parent
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