Exit Interview #6

Original Document – Exit Interview #6

Exit interviews are conducted as a way for the District to gain feedback from employees In an effort to improve programs such as safety, training, and the hiring process to name a few. The honest and open feedback of an employee exiting the district can sometimes be invaluable to us making improvements that will positively affect all employees and ultimately students.

__________ was asked a series of questions from why she is leaving the district to the adequacy of training to finally any improvements we could make.  _________ has been part of the Waterford Graded School District for 13 years.

__________ main reason for leaving is that she Is dissatisfied with the treatment of teachers. “It is a buildup of many things,” _________ stated.

When asked if she shared her concerns with anyone, she said “No. It would be held against me,”

The most satisfying parts of __________ job were the students, parents and colleagues. She also was grateful for the opportunity for professional development and expanding her instructional strategies.

Least satisfying to __________ was the lack of professionalism from administration, the lack of communication and the process of the summative evaluations. When questioned further about the summative evaluations, she expressed the concern that the scores do not match the data or evidence along with the lack of consistency across buildings. I followed up with a question asking her to provide an example of the inconsistency. Her example was that at other schools, the teachers had a pre-meeting with the principal where they could share their evidence with the principal. While she was told she would have a pre-meeting, that meeting never happened.

In changing something in her position, __________ simply stated there is nothing with teaching that she would change.

__________ felt she received adequate training to do her job effectively.

__________ felt she received support from her colleagues but not from administration.

Related to feedback about her performance __________ felt she did not receive sufficient feedback. She feels that during the walkthroughs,” if you don’t receive a four, there should always be examples of what needed improvement along with suggestions on how to Improve.”

To create a better workplace __________ expressed that people are Intimidated and do not want to share, Because of that, they accept and fend for themselves. “How do you change that?” she asked.

Other feedback Included the fact that she felt we have an outstanding community here In Waterford. The teachers and parents work together to provide the best possible education for the children. “The kids need more socialization…otherwise it takes away the pride of the schools, We have the academics down.”


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