Fall 2012
Answers for 4. 81 responses, 1 declined to answer
Yes I think the students are getting a good education.
11/23/20129:21 PfvlView Responses
11/21/2012 5:40 PMView Responses
yes- only because of the teachers are such hard workers!
11/21/2012 11:26 AMView Responses
Yes, I think the teachers bend over backwards to provide individualized
instruction to the students.
11/21 /2012 8:36 AMView Responses
Absolutely, and I do on a regular basis. I am proud of the dedication of the staff
across our district. We can also be proud of the achievements we lead our
students to. Our administrators have kept us current and progressive for years.
Students are ensured a very high quality education in a nurturing environment
because our teachers truly care.
11/20/2012 10:40 PMView Responses
Yes. I do believe that we have great schools.
11/20/2012 10:24 PMView Responses
11/20/2012 10:16 PMView Responses
11/20/2012 9:55 PMView Responses
As of now, yes
11/20/2012 9:03 PMView Responses
No – with all that it being placed on the classroom teacher’s plate, a quality
education will be seen less and less
11/20/2012 5:57 PfvlView Responses
Yes because the teachers are still doing their best for the kids.
11 /20/2012 11:20 AMView Responses
No. I feel that diecisions that are being made at this time are not geared towards
insuring the best interest of every student that we educate within the district.
11/19/2012 9:39 PMView Responses
Yes! We have high expectations for our students and wonderful teachers who
work very hard!
11/19/2012 8:42 PiVlView Responses
11/19/2012 8:22 PMView Responses
11/19/20128:21 PMView Responses
yes. Despite the fact that teachers are not being treated respectfully by the
school board, we are still professional and keep the students’ best interests as
our main goal.
11/19/2012 7:04 PMView Responses
Yes, the school district is very good, partially due to teachers are in fear of losing
their jobs.
11/19/2012 6.57 PMView Responses
Yes, because our teacher go above and beyond to do everything possible for
the students.
11/19/20125:51 PMView Responses
WGSD is a great school right now that I would recommend to a friend or family
member but with the way things are going I think that it is starting to drop. I think
that many good teachers are going to leave and this is not going to be a good
place anymore.
11/19/2012 4:08 PMView Responses
Yes-as the district is right now.
11/19/2012 1:50 PMView Responses
11 /19/201211:25 AM View Responses
Yes. Teachers go above and beyond what is expected to make sure that all
children in WGSD succeed- including working beyond the contractual school
day (without additional pay). I taught out of state in the past, and in that district,
students weren’t given half of the respect, care, and opportunities that we
provide students here at WGSD. Teachers here are already doing everything
they can. Pushing them anymore would be detrimental to school morale, and to
the success of students. Students can’t succeed if their teachers feel that what
they are doing is never good enough.
11/19/2012 8:49 AMView Responses
No. I feel like the children are not put first and that their scores on standardized
testing is.
11/19/2012 8:38 AM View Responses
11/19/2012 8:28 AMView Responses
Yes. All of the teachers in our district are highly qualified and trained in so many different areas. We have a strong and rigorous curriculum and the teachers are all working to do what is best for the students. However, if the WGSD continues to move in the direction that they are, I feel that many teachers will leave and our schools may not remain as strong and successful as they currently are. 11/19/2012 8:15 AMView Responses yes 11/18/2012 7:49 AMView Responses
I don’t know, because there are great teachers in this district – but I don’t know how much more they will be able to take
I1 /19/2012 7:45 AMView Responses yes.
11 /19/2012 7:43 AMView Responses
11/19/2012 7:41 AMView Responses
11/18/20129:52 PMView Responses
11/18/2012 9:34 PMView Responses
This is a tricky question to answer knowing the board will read this. I absolutely
would recommend a family to enroll in WGSD. We have proven we have great
teachers and all students have the opportunity to get a fantastic education. However, the board might say that even if the climate is so poor the students are still getting a great education. So what if the teachers feel that the climate is so poor.
11 /18/20128:15 PMView Responses yes–the teachers are very good
11/18/2012 8:04 PMView Responses
Yes, because we as teachers care and give all we can to ensure the best
education for all of our students. We give 200%!!! And more on our own time.
We truly care about each and every child in our class. However, I think
eventually we will lose all of our best teachers to other districts that treat there
teachers fairly and respect them for all they do. I think this is very sad!
11/18/20127:31 PMView Responses
11/18/2012 6:55 PMView Responses
Highly recommend! We have excellent teachers!
11/18/2012 6:37 PMView Responses
11/18/2012 5:59 PMView Responses
Yes, I would mention concerns with a lack of creative, inquiry based learning,
but overall our staff is dedicated and our scores are high. We are a quality
school district and students are getting a great education from the amazing
teachers in our schools.
11/18/2012 4:52 PMView Responses
11 /18/2012 4:40 PMView Responses
No due to the decrease of buses and over crowding on buses and classrooms
as well as the disastrous one to one computers at the middle school, where kids
do not learn and staff treats kids poorly
11/18/20124:06 PMView Responses
yes. We have great teachers that continue to perform despite the school board
and administration
11/18/2012 4:05 PiVIView Responses
I do not know.
11/18/20122:51 PMView Responses Yes
11/18/2012 12:57 AMView Responses
Not at this point. If things continue with the negative tone toward the educators I would not. If we get back to focusing on the education of children and respecting the educators then I absolutely would recommend WGSD.
I1 /18/2012 12:40 AMView Responses Yes
11/18/2012 12:27 AMView Responses Yes — strong, caring teachers
11/18/2012 11:15 AMView Responses
11/18/2012 11:14 AMView Responses
As of now yes, because of our wonderful teaching staff and resources that have
been in place, (see #6 for further elaboration)
11/18/201210:17 AMView Responses
Yes, I am very proud of the teachers in the district and their dedication.
11/18/2012 9:55 AMView Responses
Yes I would.
11/18/2012 7:09 AMView Responses
11/17/2012 11:59 PMView Responses
Yes, outstanding and dedicated teachers make WGSD a great district, not
policies , additional work days, or forced initiatives. WGSD teachers truly love
working with kids and do not think about the extra hours or the with held pay ,
they simply embrace what is handed to them and try to make a difference for
students and parents.
11/17/2012 10:32 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 8:22 PMView Responses
Yes. The quality of the education in WGSD is still very high thanks to dedicated,
scared teachers.
11/17/2012 7:46 PMView Responses
11 /17/20127:19 PMView Responses
The only reason I would say no, is I feel the moral is low and there is going to be
turnover very soon. Other than that I think we as teachers have the best interest
of the children and do more for them than other districts hence that is why our
report card beat out a lot of the surrounding districts.
11/17/20126:42 PMView Responses
Yes, I still think the teachers are great and the schools are great, with that said, I
do think we do not have any fun at school anymore. We’ve had all of the days
that the kids remember most about their elementary days taken away from
11/17/2012 5:27 PMView Responses
Yes we’re all good teacher with a common goal in mind.
11/17/2012 5:05 PMView Responses
11 /17/2012 4:34 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 4:10 PMView Responses
No, because unfortunately effective teachers are already talking about looking
elsewhere for jobs, or leaving the education field altogether. Why would a parent
want to send their kid to a district that is coming apart at the seams because of poor management from the board and administration. 11/17/2012 4:00 PMView Responses
I believe we have a fantastic school system because of the dedicated teachers we presently have. I would recommend that people send their children to WGSD presently but would also let them know that there might be a turn over of staff based on how we are being treated.
11/17/2012 3:52 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 3:24 PMView Responses
Currently yes, but if things continue the rate they are going, the teaching quality
will go down. The good teachers will try to move elsewhere where they can be
11/17/2012 2:44 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 1:40 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 1:01 PMView Responses
Yes, but with reservations for the future of the district. I know several families
that are pushing others toward open enrollment due to current policy changes in
11/17/2012 12.59 An/IView Responses
Yes. It is a good district for kids but not especially for the teachers. Overly high
expectations and increased tension with the school board are factors in that.
11/17/2012 12.53 AMView Responses
Don’t know
11/17/2012 12:18 AMView Responses
Yes, I would explain some of the situation surrounding the district though.
11/17/2012 12:15 AMView Responses
11/17/2012 11:55 AMView Responses
Maybe. There is such a stress level on testing. It would depend on whether the
child could handle that pressure.
I1 /17/201210:51 AMView Responses Yes
11/17/2012 9:23 AMView Responses
At this point I moved to Waterford with my family for the excellent schools. I am suddenly questioning my decision and the leadership this district has taken. It has become everything I hoped it would never become. Families have moved here for excellent schools, but as morale continues to unfold, teachers will be ready to jump ship. I hope to not see what occurred in New Berlin or surrounding districts, because it is not a pretty picture. As a parent I am disappointed how we have turned so extreme with never allowing fun in our schools. What a disservice to our students who are kids for such a short period. There has to be a balance of fun, assemblies, and learning. Are our scores that much better than districts that still allow an occasional party, extra field trip, and a little FUN? It is disappointing that our schools are just concerned about test scores. I know it is not like this everywhere.
11/17/2012 7:50 AMView Responses
Yes, I think so
11 /17/2012 7;49 AMView Responses
At Evergreen only
11/17/2012 7:44 AMView Responses
yes, very dedicated teachers and support staff who do AMAZING things for our
11/17/2012 6:57 AMView Responses
11/17/2012 6:50 AMView Responses
11/17/20126:41 AMView Responses
Yes! I considered open enroll ing my own children.
11/17/2012 4:59 AMView Responses
11/16/2012 10:09 pyview Responses