(Fall 2012) Question 3. Would you recommend to a friend or family member to apply for a teaching position in the WGSD?

Fall 2012

Answers for 3. 81 responses, 1 declined to answer

Not with the current school board.
11/23/20129:21 PMView Responses
11/21/2012 5:40 PMView Responses
11121 /2012 11:26 AMView Responses
I don’t know at this time.
11/21/2012 8:36 AMView Responses
I used to on a regular basis. Due to our current School Board’s approach, I no
longer recommend our district to educators who are looking for a teaching
position. The actions of our Board would discourage and/or “burn out” a
beginning educator too quickly.
11/20/2012 10.40 PMView Responses
Currently, no.
11/20/2012 10:24 PMView Responses
Not at thus time
11/20/2012 10:16 PMView Responses
Probably not
11/20/2012 9,55 PMView Responses
With the current climate, I would not want a family member working for this
district because of the uncertainties with teaching positions such as salary,
insurance, class sizes, evaluation, work hours/days, merit pay, and work load.
There are many other districts out there who have a much more civil relationship
with their staff.
11/20/2012 9:03 PMView Responses
NO WAY – other districts treat their teachers as the professionals that they are
11/20/2012 5:57 PMView Responses
11/20/2012 11:20 AMView Responses
No. When I first came to WGSD I thought that I would retire here, but with the
way things are going with contract issues, work day/hours, etc. I am actively
looking in other districts for a job. I have many family and friends that are
teachers in other school districts and when they hear of the things that are
occurring or are being discussed in WGSD, they are shocked and apalled by the
lack of respect in their eyes.
11/19/2012 9:39 PMView Responses
11/19/2012 8:42 PMView Responses
11/19/2012 8:22 PMView Responses
11/19/20128:21 PMView Responses
11/19/2012 7:04 PMView Responses
No -1 feel as though we have less time to work during the day, we have less
time off during the school calendar(other dist. have more). Other districts have a
full work day off to work on grades(West Allis, Muskego, Greendale). Other
middle schools have dual prep periods to accomplish the 80-90 students seen
per day.
11 /19/2012 6:57 PMView Responses
11/19/2012 5:51 PMView Responses
No and I am going to start looking for employment elsewhere if things do not
take a change for the better.
11/19/20124:08 PMView Responses
11/19/2012 1:50 PMView Responses
11/19/2012 11:25 AMView Responses
11/19/2012 8:49 AMView Responses
No. I would recommend other school districts that put students and teachers first
11/19/2012 8:38 AMView Responses
11/19/2012 8:28 AMView Responses
No. I do not feel that right now this work environment is good for anyone.
11/19/2012 8:15 AMView Responses
11/19/2012 7:49 AMView Responses
absolutely not
11/19/2012 7:45 AMView Responses
11/19/2012 7:43 AMView Responses
11/19/20127:41 AMView Responses
11 /18/2012 9:52 PMView Responses
11/18/2012 9:34 PMView Responses
Absoluyely not. They would start at the base salary and as of right now there is
no way to rasie one’s salary. I would not want them to work in a district where
the feeling is that the board has a dislike for teachers.
11/18/2012 8:15 PMView Responses
11/18/2012 8:04 PMView Responses
Can’t say
11/18/20127:31 PMView Responses
11/18/2012 6:55 PMView Responses
yes, but would encourage them to ask many questions!!
11/18/2012 6:37 PMView Responses
11/18/2012 5:59 PMView Responses
No. I am also aware that teachers in other districts do not want to come to our
11/18/2012 4:52 PMView Responses
No way.
11 /18/2012 4:40 PMView Responses
No I am actually looking to leave due to the poor work climate the board &
superintendent created as well as the declining benefits that originally attracted
me here not to mention the salary loss!
11/18/2012 4:06 PMView Responses
11/18/20124:05 PMView Responses
11/18/20122.51 PMView Responses
11/18/2012 12:57 AMView Responses
11/18/2012 12:40 AlvlView Responses
11/18/2012 12:27 AMView Responses
11/18/2012 11:15 AMView Responses
11/18/2012 11:14 AMView Responses
Not at this current time.
11118/2012 10:17 AMView Responses
11 /18/2012 9:55 AMView Responses
11/18/2012 7:09 AMView Responses
11/17/2012 11:59 PMView Responses
Unsure, it doesn’t seem that teachers are considered valuable or respected
11/17/2012 10:32 PyView Responses
Absolutely not.
11/17/2012 8:22 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 7:46 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 7:19 PMView Responses
No! Never!!!!!!!
11/17/2012 6:42 PMView Responses
No. See #1
11/17/2012 5:27 PMView Responses
No not at this time nor in the future if things don’t change
11/17/2012 5:05 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 4:34 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 4:10 PMView Responses
Not right now with the way the climate is, with the way teachers with 5 or less
years of experience are being treated, and with the expectations that teachers
are held to while being paid a very disheartening amount of money,
11/17/20124:00 pyview Responses
No. I would not encourage anyone to take a job in our system presently. I have
encouraged younger teachers to look for other jobs outside this district also.
11/17/2012 3:52 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 3:24 PMView Responses
No way! Although it is fantastic to know I have a job, I hate having to feel like I
always need to watch over my shoulder.
11/17/2012 2:44 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 1:40 PMView Responses
11/17/2012 1:01 PMView Responses
11 /17/2012 12:59 AMView Responses
11/17/2012 12:53 AMView Responses
11/17/201212:18 AMView Responses
11/17/201212:15 AMView Responses
11 /17/201211:55 AMView Responses
No, but I wouldn’t encourage anyone to be a teacher in this climate.
11/17/2012 10:51 AM View Responses
11/17/2012 8:23 AMView Responses
No, they continue to take things away. First, it was the daycare, then it was more
of our benefits. Our salaries have been frozen for years with no opportunities for
advancement. They talk about merit pay, that is just joke and actually is a big
reason the morale is so awful. Some people were given these perfect scores,
and others were ripped a new one. The consistency between buildings was not
the same, and basically the little money that was so called bonus was really a
slap in the face and complete insult. It was not fair and this was a cause of why
people are still carrying animosity towards the district and certain individuals.
11/17/2012 7:50 AMView Responses
I’d do so reluctantly. Very difficult work environment with unrealistic
11/17/2012 7:49 AM View Responses
11/17/2012 7:44 AMView Responses
11/17/2012 6:57 AMVtew Responses
11/17/2012 6:50 AMView Responses
11/17/2012 6:41 AMView Responses
11/17/2012 4:59 AMView Responses
11/16/2012 10:09 PMView Responses

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